PAUL ANKA (Diana) With Lyric.

DianaLyrics:I'msoyoungandyou'resoold/This,mydarling,I'vebeentold/Idon'tcarejustwhattheysay/'CauseforeverIwillpray/YouandI ...,Iloveyoubutdoyouloveme?Oh,Diana,can'tyousee?Iloveyouwithallmyheart.AndIhopewewillneverpart.Oh ...,Oh,please,staybyme,Dia...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Paul Anka – Diana Lyrics

Diana Lyrics: I'm so young and you're so old / This, my darling, I've been told / I don't care just what they say / 'Cause forever I will pray / You and I ...

Paul Anka - Diana Lyrics

I love you but do you love me? Oh, Diana, can't you see? I love you with all my heart. And I hope we will never part. Oh ...

Diana-歌詞- Paul Anka

Oh, please, stay by me, Diana Thrills I get when you hold me close. Oh, my darling, you're the most. I love you but do you love me? Oh Diana, can't you see. I ...

Diana-Lyrics-Paul Anka

I love you but do you love me? Oh Diana, can't you see. I love you with all my heart. And I hope we will never part. Oh, please, stay ...

DIANA - Paul Anka

Diana. I'm so young and you're so old. This, my darling, I've been told. I don't care just what they say 'Cause forever I will pray

Music – Diana (Lyrics)

Diana let me be the one to Light a fire inside those eyes You been lonely You don't even know me But I can feel you crying

Diana - Lyrics and Music by Paul Anka arranged by Roose81

I'm so young and you're so old. This, my darling, I've been told. I don't care just what they say. 'Cause forever I will pray. You and I will be as free.

Diana Lyrics by Bryan Adams

The first time I saw you - was in a magazine. The next time was you was walkin' 'cross my television screen. I knew right there that I had to make you mine.

Diana - Paul Anka Lyrics

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Paul Anka - Diana (Lyrics)

Paul Anka - Diana (Lyrics) For all enquiries, please send an email to - [email protected] Subscribe and turn on notifications to see ...


DianaLyrics:I'msoyoungandyou'resoold/This,mydarling,I'vebeentold/Idon'tcarejustwhattheysay/'CauseforeverIwillpray/YouandI ...,Iloveyoubutdoyouloveme?Oh,Diana,can'tyousee?Iloveyouwithallmyheart.AndIhopewewillneverpart.Oh ...,Oh,please,staybyme,DianaThrillsIgetwhenyouholdmeclose.Oh,mydarling,you'rethemost.Iloveyoubutdoyouloveme?OhDiana,can'tyousee.I ...,Iloveyoubutdoyouloveme?OhDiana,can'tyousee...
